
In its commitment to promote the principles of sustainability, ISA is proud to announce that it has joined the Eco School international network.

We have begun with the middle school. With guidance, grades 7 through 9 are organizing themselves into a green team, and they are already charging ahead with completing an environmental review for the school that will be made public to all. Following this, a plan of action will be drawn up.

The success of this initiative is dependent on the participation of the whole school’s community; teaching and non-teaching staff and parents. This program will be expanded throughout the entire school during the next academic year.

This year, all students in grade 9 are working hard to prepare their Personal Projects, with an environmental theme. Students chose from a list of suggested projects, and are working in cooperation with the science and I.T. departments to turn out finished projects in the form of PowerPoint presentations, newsletters, magazines or newspaper articles, and/or blogs, thus making the project multidimensional. When the projects are complete, the students will have the opportunity of presenting their work to their peers.

Click here for additional information about this exciting initiative.