Athletic Programme

The ISA Athletics Department is pleased to announce that our Interscholastic Program will begin the week of September 19th 2011.

The Sports that our students can participate in for the fall season are the following: Soccer , Volleyball and Cross Country running. Students must be under 16 years old to play in a JV team and under 18 years old to play in a SV team.  Highly skilled JV players can also be members of the SV teams.

The teams will also take part in many friendly games and tournaments with other International schools in Athens.

 Students will practice in our school courts and the practice times are from
15:50- 17:15. 

The following is the schedule of the practice days:

Monday:      Junior & Senior Boys Soccer Teams
Tuesday:      Primary After-School Sports Program
Wednesday:    Junior & Senior Varsity Boys Volleyball Teams
                      Junior & Senior Varsity Girls Soccer Teams
Thursday:       Senior Varsity Girls Volleyball Team
                        Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball Team

In case of bad weather, the practices will be cancelled.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us (Mr.Vradis, Z.Piriohos & L.Valvis).
We look forward to your co-operation and support for another successful Athletic year.