Counseling center lecture on Effective Family Communication - 19/2/2014

Counseling center lecture on Effective Family Communication  - 19/2/2014

The Center for Counseling & learning services of ISA organized & presented to our ISA parents a most interesting presentation on EFFECTIVE FAMILY COMMUNICATION. Ms. Maria Protopapa, the Counseling Psychologist of Middle & High school & IB diploma Coordinator, presented a most interesting lecture to parents of all levels of the school,
Melina’s, Primary, middle, high !

After the lecture a most interesting discussion continued with Dr. Thanopoulou, Director of the Center & Ms. Protopapa and our parents. The importance  values such as : Understanding, Care, Empathy, Honesty, & Respect were discussed as the BASIS of effective communication, along with, special techniques of Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) ! PET is a wonderful training program that our school psychologists are trained “officially” by the Gordon Institute & are using in the work they do with ISA parents.