Poetry Day

World Poetry is an international event , celebrated by all people worldwide on March 21st . Poetry is the art of using language creatively and in unexpected ways so as to communicate a special message or theme . The great thing about poetry , is that no matter which language it is written or read in , it can still be able to achieve its desired purpose . Since ISA is an international school that cares about global issues and events , this day was celebrated by a poetry day ‘ concert ‘ that succeeded with the contribution of many students ( middle school and high school students ) and teachers . There were many poem recitals in lots of different language including French ( Liberte ) , Arabic ( The Eternity of Cactus ) , German ( Lorelei ) , Greek ( the City ) , Book songs [creative lyrics based on novels and stories that the students came up with themselves ) , Poems from the Clothesline , a Surprise Performance , and much more ! This was a great chance and opportunity for students to appreciate the importance of poetry , and of having international students in a school , who can speak many languages fluently , and of being globally educated . Overall , the poetry day event was a huge success .