Acropolis Museum Visit

On Tuesday, February 19th, a unique educational experience took place when the Modern Greek 10 class and the Isotimia 11 class the Acropolis Museum. Students had the unique opportunity to come across and examine exhibitions of ancient Greek culture – mostly statues, vases and pediment sculptures (especially regarding the construction of the Erechtheion and the Parthenon temples, the different techniques used and the different architectural styles displayed). Moreover, the museum’s guide offered vital and interesting information about ancient Athenian customs such as the Panathenian procession, about the origins of certain myths and about how these myths have survived through time corresponding either with Christian symbols or modern values. Lastly, students with aspects of ancient Athenian everyday socioeconomic life.
Overall, it was a thoroughly, interesting, enjoyable and fulfilling educational field trip, as the students participated with eagerness and diligence.