Information Technology
In a modern world, information technology is a vital and indispensable part of our lives in business, education, government, health services and our private lives. At ISA we encourage students to use technology in their learning. Computers are in constant use in primary classrooms and in libraries, while the computer labs serve students in grades 1-12 for instruction, research on the Internet and preparation of school work. Additionally, the Primary School students in grades 3 – 6 have been introduced to the iPad Apple program 1:1, as an extension to their classroom learning. Computers in the labs have recently been replaced with new technology and Clever Boards™ have been incorporated into classroom teaching as steps forward in our continuing effort to become a true “21st century school.”
Science Laboratories
All science laboratories (biology, chemistry and physics) have been renovated and incorporate modern technology. Our students now get optimal benefit from practical, hands-on experiments they do in support of the scientific theory taught in the classroom. Emphasis is placed on using the scientific method, and students are well versed in the preparation of lab reports. Students are always supervised in the labs and safety measures are strictly observed at all times.