

May 2024 IB Diploma Results


The International School of Athens is proud to announce the excellent achievement of the ISA IB Diploma students in the May 2024 examination session.

Passing Rate: 93%

Highest score: 43 points

School Average: 33,3 points

20% of the candidates achieved 37 points and above.


We would like to congratulate all our graduates for their success and wish them the best of luck, as they set off to study at prestigious Universities worldwide




ISA Email - SIGN IN - MS Office 365
ISA Team Site (MS Office 365 - Faculty/Staff only)

Microsoft Office 365: 
- How to change your email password and set the display language
- How to install Office on your personal devices (for free via your school account)

Book Lists 2024 - 2025 MYP / DP

Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12

Book Lists 2024-2025 - Primary School

Grade 1
Books Supplies
Grade 2
Books Supplies
Grade 3
Books Supplies
Grade 4
Books Supplies
Grade 5
Books Supplies
Grade 6
All Grades (1-6)
Greek For Foreigners (GR1-6)
Greek For Natives (GR1-6)

Policies - Handbooks

MELINA'S: Student Handbook 2023 - 2024
PRIMARY SCHOOL: Student Handbook 2023 - 2024
MYP: Student Handbook 2023 - 2024
IB-DP: Student Handbook 2023 - 2024
Continuum Policies

ISA School Calendar

2024-2025 ISA School Calendar
2024-2025 ISA Primary School Calendar
2024-2025 ISA Melina's Calendar