ATL week

ATL week! Approaches to Learning refers to a set of 5 skill groups:

  • social skills -(ability to work well with others, collaboration)
  • communication -(exchanging thoughts through interaction, writing)
  • self-management- (organization, affective skills, reflection)
  • research -(information literacy and media literacy)
  • thinking skills-(critical thinking , creative thinking , transfer skills)

In the first week of school, ISA organized and carried out 5 modules for all students in Grades 11-12, in the following areas:

  • Library / Media Center Orientation
  • Internet Research Skills
  • Academic Honesty
  • Organizational skills
  • Public speaking

These sessions serve to teach and promote ATL skills, which are also cultivated throughout the academic year by our teachers and through our academic programs. Approaches to learning skills can be learned and taught, improved with practice and developed. There is also a distinct connection between ATL skills and the Learner profile, as ATL skills serve to promote many of the Learner Profile attributes.