ISA 7th grade bonding trip itinerary

Trip schedule to Parnitha
Itinerary for 7th grade Bonding Trip

Friday September 21st  

Departure (after school) from ISA with school buses
6:00pm arrival to the funicular (students leave their things on the bus)
6:30pm- we reach the top of the funicular (students take the bus again)
7:00pm -arrival to the shelter Flambouri
7:00 – 8:00 pm students prepare their beds
8:00 – 9:30pm dinner (provided)
9:30 – 11:00pm indoor games (cards, quizzes ….)
11:00 curfew

Saturday September 22nd

9:00 – 10:00am  breakfast (provided)
10:00 – 11:30am outdoor games ( bonding activities )
11:30am- departure
11:30-1:00-  trekking from the shelter to Thrakomakedones
1:00pm - arrival at Thrakomakedones
1:45pm- arrival at ISA.

Students must bring the following items with them:

Sleeping bag
Additional sportswear (t-shirt + shorts + sport shoes) for outdoor games and trekking
Warm clothes (sweatpants) and waterproof jacket in the event of cold or rain.
Water bottle

PE Department - ISA

Mr John Vradis  
Mr Valvis Leonidas