ISA CAS Students ' Dance For Freedom '

On Saturday February 18th  a group of 11th and 12th grade students represented our school in the Athens IB Schools Dance Showcase with two choreographies:

1.Mixed Dance: BNP by Nikolaidi Konstantina, Danae Papadaki, Daphni Vouzi, Laura Barry,Miranda Loubier and Thodoris Lagogiannis.

2. Hip Hop: Beatz by Michaela Gasteratou and Sofia Mary Soldatou.

The students from various IB Schools in  Athens joined forces and danced for the freedom of human beings. The money raised from the event was donated to the NO PROJECT an independent anti-slavery public awareness initiative dedicated to the fight against human slavery!! Special thanks to all the ISA parents and students who came to support the event.

Ms. Piriohos

CAS Coordinator