Lecture on “School Adjustment”

September, 2021

Dear Parents,

Every new beginning asks for a period of adjustment. Starting school for the first time is an important life event for each child as well as for the parents.

We would like to invite you to the lecture on “School Adjustment” organized by Melina’s Kindergarten and presented by Ms. Protopapa, Deputy Director, Head of the Center for Counseling & Learning Services, and Counseling Psychologist on Wednesday, September 8th at 18:00 at the ISA Main Campus. (Xenias & Artemidas)

18:00 – 19:00: Lecture

  • School adjustment as a developmental mile stone
  • What to expect when your child starts school and why
  • Coping Strategies

19:00: Questions

We would like to encourage new and returning parents to attend, since the beginning of every school year is a challenging period for all preschoolers.

As we have to respect social distancing there will be a limited amount of people allowed to attend. Please let us know by email if you are planning to attend the lecture latest by Monday, September 6th. (rsvp to hbarry@isa.edu.gr )Please note that the wearing of a face mask is mandatory.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Ms. Maria Protopapa

Deputy Director / Head of the Center for Counseling & Learning Services

Ms. Helga Barry

Early Years Principal